Birth name HRH Lady A Elizabeth! Given name Ayesha Faisal!. Nick name Dr. Ali. Hello World, I am writing my biography in full constant of understanding, testimony of my childhood lifelong description and experience of real events of the world timeline, as Highly Intellectual being, As Indigo Child. I will explain latter how I experienced earth space, galaxy and entire universe via my Focal Point eye ball scanner, ESP power, Psychokinesis abilities, and remote viewing training.

Here I would like to mention that I was not alone. There was many children like me who were part of this journey who have been trained by KGB, NATO CIA, since birth. Intelligence Force used highly Intellectual coding, signals, secret mysteries metaphor via IMAGINARY figures, via story books, Kids Novels, movies, rectangle, triangle, abstract, images. Alien presents was the part of every aspect of indigo’s life.